Declare Your Independence

I wrote an article in the Hawai’i Herald about body independence to acknowledge the importance and celebration of the 4th of July. America’s founding fathers used the Declaration of Independence to inform Great Britain and the rest of the world that it was our...

Unmet Expectations

The one thing that I have learned over the past 10 years is, the reason why you get hurt, or perceive someone to have hurt you, is simply because the other party did not meet your expectations. Here’s an example.  If you always expect your best friend to support...

The Unknown and Need for Insurance

As this 2020-year has flown by, it’s truly fascinating how a thing that is invisible and undetectable to the naked eye has created such major shifts in social, economical, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. The unknown has, and always will, create...

Your Inner Voice

Being in this COVID-19 experience now for the past eight months, and moving into the ninth, we as a local, national, and global society are moving into unprecedented times.  The constant censoring of so-called conspiracy theorists by Google, Facebook, Instagram, and...

Things That Make Me Go Hmmm

As we enter the fall season, a lot of things have been happening that make me go hmmmm… For instance, the fact that certain websites that express a different perspective than the current narrative about how dangerous this COVID-19 virus is, are being taken down. ...