

I am not sure if it is the energy signature of this year, or if it is written in the astrological stars, but an interesting phenomenon I have been observing is the power of setting an intention.  Taking time to be clear on what you would like to happen or manifest in...

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Turning a Chapter

Turning a Chapter

Just like the seasons, change is an integral part of life and is the one thing that remains constant. It’s how we perceive and deal with change that makes all the difference in the world. Either we fear upcoming change, like leaving our comfort zone to go to a new...

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Mindfulness vs Bodyness

Mindfulness vs Bodyness

I recently went to a book release of a zen priest, who shared her point of view on her zen training over the past three years at a dojo, Chozen-ji, in Kalihi Valley. An interesting point she brought up was the concept of mindfulness, yet how she perceived her zen...

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Essence of Healing

Essence of Healing

I recently took an online workshop with Dr. John Demartini, who created his own methodology called the Demartini Method TM, with his workshop called the Breakthrough Experience. His take on healing is one based on balancing someone's perspective. Through his extensive...

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Sticks and Stones – Do Words Really Hurt?

Sticks and Stones – Do Words Really Hurt?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." For the longest time I thought this belief to be true because I have recognized that your own self-worth is ultimately based upon how you feel about yourself. If you know who you are and accept and...

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The Power of Laziness

The Power of Laziness

In writing my monthly blogs, I usually get inspired by a theme or situation that catches my attention, where I feel can help others who are possibly going through something related. However, try as I may, I thought about sharing the broad definition of wellness,...

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As we enter the last month of the first quarter of 2024 and winter season is ending, it’s a good time to do a self-care check-in.  The holidays and Chinese New Year is behind us, and now the question is, “How are you going to choose to spend the next 10 months...

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Make Your Intentions Clear

Make Your Intentions Clear

Following up with my January life letter, I am sharing old case studies of two other members from the first five years of my practice. They led me to understand the intimate connection between our mind, emotions, and our bodies. I also sprinkled some of my own...

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Eye-Opening Awareness to the Mind-Body Connection

Eye-Opening Awareness to the Mind-Body Connection

I figured a nice way to close out 2023, was to share some old case studies of two members from the first five years of my practice.  They led me to understand the intimate connection between our mind, emotions, and our bodies. I also sprinkled some of my own personal...

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FREE Zoom Mind Body Talks

Dr. Chad offers free Mind Body talks every other Friday evening from 6:30-7:15 PM HST via Zoom. Be a part of our Mind Body Community and learn techniques and strategies to deal with life challenges and stress. You will be a contributor and share what techniques you utilize with certain life situations and challenges.


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Dr. Chad Sato Logo Signature

Dr. Chad Sato is a chiropractor, focusing on wellness, healing, energetic work and the mind-body connection. He offers care in-person on O'ahu and virtually for clients all over the world.

Call Me

(808) 988-5532

Visit Me

2930 E Manoa Rd
Honolulu, HI 96822

Office Hours: 8:15-5:30 M/W/F
Virtual consults by appointment.