The Importance of Connecting

The Importance of Connecting

A couple weeks ago, I went old school and had my mind body talk at my office (in person), exclusively, instead of on Zoom. Over the three years during the COVID pandemic, Zoom became a very useful platform that allowed my members and others who were interested, to...

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Dealing with Loss

Dealing with Loss

Besides the shock value of the recent devastating events in Lahaina town, there has been mismanagement by government officials and the glaring fact of lives, homes, and businesses lost. Along that vein, one of the most difficult things to do in our lifetime is to lose...

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Curiosity Killed the Cat

Curiosity Killed the Cat

The proverb, "curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back," is very appropriate at this time. This proverb points to the idea if you are too curious or inquisitive it can be dangerous. If you reach too far into matters that don't concern you, you may...

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The Power of Old Stories

The Power of Old Stories

Stories were used to preserve and share moments of important experiences so future generations could learn, expand upon, and avoid repeating the same mistakes as their predecessors. Stories contain the power and influence of the storyteller, and without even realizing...

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The Power of Why

The Power of Why

In these confusing days of fake news, conspiracy theories, scientific research that is sponsored by big pharma, it’s vital and essential to question everything.  Even growing up, we were unwittingly conditioned by the words, actions, and examples that our parents...

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Be Cured or Heal Thyself

Be Cured or Heal Thyself

I recently had an interesting conversation about healing, addressing weird health conditions, and why we are never taught about the basics of our human anatomy.  A huge percentage of the populace are content with going to their PCP and investing $5 to $10 of their...

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What Was That Again?

What Was That Again?

Being forgetful has become more apparent and rampant in the last few years – blame it on stress, overwhelm, over-scheduling, or the usual scapegoat – getting old. Although it’s very convenient to blame ole’ Father Time, memory lapses have their drawbacks and upsides....

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When I first started on this article, I was focusing on questioning two contradictory ideas - like attracts like, or do opposites really attract? However, as I continued to write, the idea of self-care took over, and inspired by my energy healing workshop in February,...

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What Is This Age Thing?

What Is This Age Thing?

I write a column for the Hawai’i Herald for the month of February on aging. Over the years I’ve heard different perspectives on aging – some look forward to getting older, others dread it, and others feel their age and work on accepting their newfound limitations. I...

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FREE Zoom Mind Body Talks

Dr. Chad offers free Mind Body talks every other Friday evening from 6:30-7:15 PM HST via Zoom. Be a part of our Mind Body Community and learn techniques and strategies to deal with life challenges and stress. You will be a contributor and share what techniques you utilize with certain life situations and challenges.


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Dr. Chad Sato is a chiropractor, focusing on wellness, healing, energetic work and the mind-body connection. He offers care in-person on O'ahu and virtually for clients all over the world.

Call Me

(808) 988-5532

Visit Me

2930 E Manoa Rd
Honolulu, HI 96822

Office Hours: 8:15-5:30 M/W/F
Virtual consults by appointment.