Dr. Chad Sato’s
4-Path System
I have spent the last 20+ years as a chiropractor practicing Network Spinal Analysis and am certified in all 3 levels, however over time discovered the power of using the mind-body connection to help my members achieve deeper healing and be more empowered in their healing process, hence creating a 4-path healing system to help you heal your body, connect more deeply with yourself, and empower you to live the life you want to live.
The four-path healing system was designed to meet you where you’re at, right here in this moment. This system will work for you if you answer “yes” to any of the following questions.
Are you in acute pain and/or dealing with a chronic health condition?
Are you curious about being proactive in your healing and wellness?
Do you have a desire to become more in tune with your body and behavior patterns?
Are you overwhelmed by the stress of your daily life and need support?
Do you want time to “pause” from the busyness of your life in order to reassess and recenter?
Are you ready to learn how to self-heal and integrate healing into your self-care?

Path 1: Lifeline Care
This 5-week option is for you if you are in pain or suffering from a chronic health condition or ailment and just want the pain and/or suffering to go away.

Path 2: Growth Care
This path is designed for those interested in learning more about what they can do to be proactive in their healing, health, and overall wellness journey.

Path 3: Supportive Care
This path is also for individuals who aren’t currently experiencing pain and are interested in proactively incorporating a self-care modality in their wellness routine.

Path 4: Self Healing
A one-year physical, mental and emotional self-healing program where you’ll learn how to assess stressors and create a plan of action to bring more ease into your body and your life.
Pathway 1: Lifeline Care
This 5-week option is for you if you are in pain or suffering from a chronic health condition or ailment and just want the pain and/or suffering to go away.
This 5-week option is for you if:
- You are in pain or suffering from a chronic health condition that doesn’t seem to resolve and you just want to feel normal.
- Western medicine or other healing modalities have not worked and you are frustrated.
- You want to feel better, less stressed, and gain more mental/emotional clarity.
What you will gain:
- Current pains and symptoms will decrease in intensity or disappear.
- Increased flexibility, energy, and enhanced vitality.
- Restful sleep with more moments of calm and less reactive when feeling stressed.
What you can expect after 5 weeks of care:
- Effortless improved posture
- Postural changes when stressed and more aware when your body is building up and holding tension.
- Have the ability to automatically breathe when stressed and release muscle and spinal tension more effectively.
- You will begin to see how life stressors affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally.
After 5 weeks there will be a re-evaluation to assess posture improvements, life changes, how you deal with stress, and any new awareness that you didn’t have previously. You’ll then choose whether to move forward with Path 2 or Path 3.
- Five weeks of lifeline care, at three sessions/week; 15 sessions in total
- Investment: $150/ week plus $95 re-evaluation at the end of five weeks
- Discounts available for paying in full, family members in the same household, college students, and children
Pathway 2: Growth Care
This path is designed for those individuals who either are feeling better from Lifeline care and/or interested in learning more about what they can do to be proactive in their healing, health, and overall wellness journey.
Pathway 2 is for you if you:
- Want to learn how thoughts and past experiences affect you and the quality of your life.
- Desire to be more in-tune with your body and understand your unique body language.
- Want to become more empowered in the healing process of your body.
- Grow during moments of challenge instead of avoiding and self-sabotaging.
What you will gain:
- Build resilience and have greater confidence in dealing with pain or symptom episodes.
- Greater trust in your body, a stronger immune system, and to deal with stress better.
- Knowledge that body symptoms are caused by life stressors and change.
- Ability to reframe life challenges to equilibrate your emotions quicker and not react.
- What you can expect after four months of care:
More conscious of the mind body connection and more aligned with your values.
- Spontaneous muscle and/or spinal movements that encourage healing during and between sessions.
- Ability to breathe during stress and shift back into moments of ease.
- Retracing or re-experiencing past pains or symptoms, but able to deal with it differently and more positively.
- Changes in habits such as exercise, sleep, diet, and relationships.
- Four months of growth care, at two sessions/week
- Investment: $50/ session + $95.00 re-evaluation at the end of 4 months
- Discounts available for paying in full, family members in the same household, college students, and children
Pathway 3: Supportive Care
This path is designed for individuals who feel the value of being worked on and are dealing with life changes, stress at work or home, and experiencing ongoing stressors. This path is also for individuals who have no major pains or health problems but want to take action now and incorporate a self-care modality in their wellness routine.
Pathway 3 is for you if you:
- Are not bothered by any perceived pains or health ailments, but want to learn strategies to breathe, deal with stress better, and release muscle and spinal tension.
- Want to decompress from challenging situations and take time for yourself.
- Desire a break from your mind and to reset with your breath to get more mental clarity.
What you will gain:
- Being taken care of and being proactive in taking care of yourself.
- Greater connection to your body and knowing your body’s symptoms are indicators of stress and life changes.
- Greater resilience, stronger immune system, ability to relax and let go of issues quicker.
What you can expect after being under Supportive Care:
- Ability to utilize breath and purposeful movement to release muscle tension.
- Incorporating other healing modalities to bolster your wellness regimen.
- More ease in your body with increased flexibility and fluid ranges of motion.
- Four months of Supportive Care, with 1 session per week
- Investment: $50/ session + $95.00 re-evaluation at the end of 4 months
- Discounts available for paying in full, family members in the same household, college students, and children

What to expect during your initial assessment
Like anything in life creating a relationship that is founded on trust is essential and that is what will happen on your first visit – in-person or virtually with me.
I will go over your personal history to bring you awareness to what has happened in your life and what life experiences could have possibly impacted you more than you realize. Next a posture examination will show if you are aligned or not, followed by identifying muscle tension patterns created by life experiences. Lastly. while face down I will deliver a series of gentle taps on your spine that serves as cues for your body to breathe deeper, relax any muscles and spinal tensions, and shifting your body into repair and recovery mode.
What to expect on subsequent visits
Your sessions may last anywhere between 15-20 minutes, which include those gentle spinal taps and some breathing prompts and postural shifts. The purpose for a series of follow up visits is to condition your body to eventually breathe and release tension on its own.

Dr. Chad Sato is a chiropractor, focusing on wellness, healing, energetic work and the mind-body connection. He offers care in-person on O'ahu and virtually for clients all over the world.
Call Me
(808) 988-5532
Visit Me
2930 E Manoa Rd
Honolulu, HI 96822
Office Hours: 8:15-5:30 M/W/F
Virtual consults by appointment.