Essence of Healing

Essence of Healing

I recently took an online workshop with Dr. John Demartini, who created his own methodology called the Demartini Method TM, with his workshop called the Breakthrough Experience. His take on healing is one based on balancing someone’s perspective. Through his...


As we enter the last month of the first quarter of 2024 and winter season is ending, it’s a good time to do a self-care check-in.  The holidays and Chinese New Year is behind us, and now the question is, “How are you going to choose to spend the next 10 months...
Wrapping Up 2023

Wrapping Up 2023

Wrapping Up 2023 Knowing Your Ikigai My last article for the Hawai’i Herald will be coming out on Friday, December 1st, at the same time as my monthly life letter. I wrote about these five Japanese practices: Ikigai, Kaizen, Hara hachi bu, Shoshin, and Wabi-sabi. I...
Don’t Be Fooled by April Fool’s

Don’t Be Fooled by April Fool’s

The April Fool’s Day tradition involves hoaxes and practical jokes, ending with the exclamation, “April Fools!” to let the other person in on the prank.  The media has kept this unofficial holiday alive and well.  It’s interesting to note that over the past two years...