Shadow Self

I recently watched the movie, Dark Phoenix, a Marvel movie about a mutant woman that experiences a surge of energy that activates all of her cells and brings up painful memories from her past that were suppressed by her mentor. She is fueled by rage and loses control....

Acceptance of What Is

Knowing that life is in a constant state of flux, many attempt to control their environment, situations, and others. However, control is an illusion, because at any given moment something totally unexpected can happen. Understanding this very principle, that change is...

The Power of Dis-Ease

If you take a look at the word dis-ease, it means that you are not in ease or in harmony with yourself and your life. Once you are at ease in your thoughts, as well as your emotions, you are in harmony and at ease. However, the word disease conjures up something to...

Trick or Treat

The old playground rhyme, “Trick or Treat give me something good to eat, if you don’t, I don’t care, I’ll pull down your underwear…” started way back in the 1960s, and was in reference to begging. It’s fascinating how sing-song rhymes tend to stick in your memory with...