

As we enter the last month of the first quarter of 2024 and winter season is ending, it’s a good time to do a self-care check-in.  The holidays and Chinese New Year is behind us, and now the question is, “How are you going to choose to spend the next 10 months...
Make Your Intentions Clear

Make Your Intentions Clear

Following up with my January life letter, I am sharing old case studies of two other members from the first five years of my practice. They led me to understand the intimate connection between our mind, emotions, and our bodies. I also sprinkled some of my own...
Choices to Let Go

Choices to Let Go

This past October we experienced an unusual celestial occurrence – an annular solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse. This solar eclipse is also known as a “Ring of Fire.” It was seen on October 14th due to the moon not blocking the sun completely. Symbolically the...
The Importance of Connecting

The Importance of Connecting

A couple weeks ago, I went old school and had my mind body talk at my office (in person), exclusively, instead of on Zoom. Over the three years during the COVID pandemic, Zoom became a very useful platform that allowed my members and others who were interested, to...
Dealing with Loss

Dealing with Loss

Besides the shock value of the recent devastating events in Lahaina town, there has been mismanagement by government officials and the glaring fact of lives, homes, and businesses lost. Along that vein, one of the most difficult things to do in our lifetime is to lose...