The Power of Pause

The one big lesson that COVID-19 has taught, was to take our first inconvenient pause.  COVID-19 forced the entire world to literally come to a screeching halt and take a pause.  For many, this pause was necessary because it allowed people the time, space, and...

The Valentine’s Day Blues

It’s fascinating how Valentine’s Day has taken on such a commercial nature over the past decade.  For some it’s become an exciting day where they are able to connect and show/receive love from their partner, and for others who do not have a significant other, it...

The Unknown and Need for Insurance

As this 2020-year has flown by, it’s truly fascinating how a thing that is invisible and undetectable to the naked eye has created such major shifts in social, economical, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. The unknown has, and always will, create...

Your Inner Voice

Being in this COVID-19 experience now for the past eight months, and moving into the ninth, we as a local, national, and global society are moving into unprecedented times.  The constant censoring of so-called conspiracy theorists by Google, Facebook, Instagram, and...

Things That Make Me Go Hmmm

As we enter the fall season, a lot of things have been happening that make me go hmmmm… For instance, the fact that certain websites that express a different perspective than the current narrative about how dangerous this COVID-19 virus is, are being taken down. ...