Be-ing Authentic

What does it mean to be Authentic? Why do many, myself included, find it so difficult to be authentic? You know the authentic ones, the ones that seem to have no problem expressing their discontent with bad service at a restaurant or speaking their minds with abandon....

The Holiday Season

As we enter the holiday season, it’s a good time to go inwards and reflect on the year. It can be very easy to lose our center, due to all the obligations of going to family functions, and the pressure to get presents for our family members, loved ones, and friends....

Buried Experiences

Have you ever experienced certain behavior patterns that have hampered your ability to connect with either family, loved ones, or friends? Just recently I became painfully aware of an event that occurred in my past, which I have blocked out for over thirty years....

New Beginnings

It’s rather fascinating how we get excited about embarking on a new adventure, and at the same time, become apprehensive about not knowing what to expect. We expend boundless amounts of energy and time attempting to gain some assurance that the leap we are taking is...

Manifesting One’s Vision

  What does it take to visualize something in your mind and feel it so strongly that you know in your heart of hearts, that is what you are supposed to create, and then bring it into reality? Many times fear of being rejected, not feeling smart enough, not enough...