

I am not sure if it is the energy signature of this year, or if it is written in the astrological stars, but an interesting phenomenon I have been observing is the power of setting an intention.  Taking time to be clear on what you would like to happen or manifest in...
Mindfulness vs Bodyness

Mindfulness vs Bodyness

I recently went to a book release of a zen priest, who shared her point of view on her zen training over the past three years at a dojo, Chozen-ji, in Kalihi Valley. An interesting point she brought up was the concept of mindfulness, yet how she perceived her zen...
Essence of Healing

Essence of Healing

I recently took an online workshop with Dr. John Demartini, who created his own methodology called the Demartini Method TM, with his workshop called the Breakthrough Experience. His take on healing is one based on balancing someone’s perspective. Through his...
Make Your Intentions Clear

Make Your Intentions Clear

Following up with my January life letter, I am sharing old case studies of two other members from the first five years of my practice. They led me to understand the intimate connection between our mind, emotions, and our bodies. I also sprinkled some of my own...