Be-ing Vulnerable… What the ???

Be-ing Vulnerable… What the ???

Brene Brown back on June 1, 2010 came on the scene via her TED Talk – The Power of Vulnerability. She was a researcher who saw in her data that “vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experiences.” She was a social worker for 10 years,...
The Power of Laziness

The Power of Laziness

In writing my monthly blogs, I usually get inspired by a theme or situation that catches my attention, where I feel can help others who are possibly going through something related. However, try as I may, I thought about sharing the broad definition of wellness,...
What Happened to Boy’s Day

What Happened to Boy’s Day

One of the strongest and maybe “the” strongest energetic bond is between a mother and son.  So it’s not surprising in the month of May we celebrate both Boy’s Day and Mother’s Day in Hawaii. Since 1948, Boy’s Day has been called International Children’s Day.  The...

My COVID Experience

When I reflect on what happened in the month of September, I have experienced the gambit of emotions from concern, happiness, sadness, and relief, and it was all due to getting COVID-19. I have chosen to not get vaccinated because of my strong and steadfast belief in...