Choosing a Path Less Traveled

A concept expressed by Robert Frost in his poem, The Road Not Taken, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” The fact is, each and every one of you have choices to make all the time.  What I have...

Roses, Roses, Roses

The old saying, “Take time to smell the roses,” is so applicable right now as the holiday season is here. I am amazed at how the commercial energetic juggernaut has almost made Thanksgiving irrelevant, with the infringement of traditional Black Friday to...

Guilt to Gratitude

I have been noticing an increased trend in violence, people feeling on the rails, and challenges that are aplenty. There are multitudes of people, exasperated, throwing their hands up and asking to just catch a break. If it’s not a challenging boss or co-worker, it’s...

To Allow and Accept

Allowing is a better term for the act of surrendering. A while back at one of my mind body talks I was asked what word could be used instead of the word, surrender? I thought about this question and came up with the word, allowing. For this woman, surrender conjured...

Acceptance of What Is

Knowing that life is in a constant state of flux, many attempt to control their environment, situations, and others. However, control is an illusion, because at any given moment something totally unexpected can happen. Understanding this very principle, that change is...

The Canoe Analogy

The new year is off and running. By the time this blog goes out, February will already have started. I recently participated in a celebration of life for one of my practice members. It was celebrated on Sunday, the day when the total lunar eclipse of the Super Blood...