Just like the seasons, change is an integral part of life and is the one thing that remains constant. It’s how we perceive and deal with change that makes all the difference in the world. Either we fear upcoming change, like leaving our comfort zone to go to a new place, or we embrace the transition.

My business coach gave me a great reframe, saying that when change is going to happen, instead of seeing the possible future event as the next challenge, to see it as turning a new chapter. This reframe was invaluable, because instead of expecting a challenge, it brought a sense of curiosity of what’s to come.

I had a session with a recent high school graduate who really impressed me. I’ve known her and worked with her ever since she was a little girl (time sure does fly by). She is now a young adult and entering her freshman year of college next month. I asked how she was feeling about leaving her home state and going to college a few thousand miles south. Her response was nothing short of extraordinary. She shared how her senior year was filled with a lot of uncertainty due to her mother having major health issues, and how she had to be more independent, being given a lot more responsibilities. Her close group of friends had graduated the year before, which forced her to get out of her comfort zone and make new friends as well. She realized that life was unpredictable, things are going to happen, and being anxious about what may happen was wasted energy. Because, as she experienced, you ultimately must deal with whatever occurs. It’s the ABC’s of life.

This young lady gave me a sense of hope for the future, which has prompted me to share her deep insight on my blog for any worriers, and anyone having a challenging time with change. If this 18 year old can gain this awareness on how to circumvent worry and learn to deal with whatever experiences life brings, I hope this will help others to reframe their current life challenges as well. Instead of fearing, use this opportunity to turn the page and see what shifts result from closing a chapter of their life and starting a new one.

In many ways her inspiring words of wisdom helped me to navigate turning a chapter in my office. My front desk assistant, Aften, who has been with me for four years, took a job with the federal government. Aften came aboard after my front desk assistant of 19 years decided to retire and move back to her home country after the COVID-19 pandemic. It was truly a neat experience to first accept that change was coming, and then take action to find her replacement. Although in the past, my usual mode is to overthink, and end up with over-analysis paralysis, I chose to trust and set the intent that I would find the right person to take over the front desk duties. A true test that ended positively with Mary Ann, who has now been with me for two weeks by the time you read this blog post.

Oscar Wilde said, “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” This can be interpreted in many ways, however many creative art pieces have been inspired by true life events. Choose to keep learning and evolving to continue to work on your life’s art piece. The power you possess is the ability to choose, so choose your experiences and come from a place of trust, knowing that sometimes going with the flow can create more amazing, unexpected future events. Learn to embrace change and decide that what you will experience will be nothing short of amazing. Be present with your body, your life, and create your own masterpiece.