Your Inner Voice

Being in this COVID-19 experience now for the past eight months, and moving into the ninth, we as a local, national, and global society are moving into unprecedented times.  The constant censoring of so-called conspiracy theorists by Google, Facebook, Instagram, and...

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Things That Make Me Go Hmmm

As we enter the fall season, a lot of things have been happening that make me go hmmmm… For instance, the fact that certain websites that express a different perspective than the current narrative about how dangerous this COVID-19 virus is, are being taken down. ...

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Red or Blue Pill

The red or blue pill, which one do you choose to take.  If you don’t know about this meme, it was from a scene in the blockbuster hit, The Matrix, in 1999 starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne.  Morpheus offered Neo a choice to take the red pill or the blue...

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Beware or Be-Aware

Here we are in the second lockdown of Honolulu for supposedly two weeks.  Forgive me for being more than skeptical about this time frame, but the April lockdown was extended into May and then June.  Let’s call a cat a cat and a dog a dog.  Now with the roll out of...

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At the Crossroads

With the recent spike of coronavirus cases, as society started opening back up, has local governments once again threatening and following through with the enforcement of face masks, closing down of bars, and other social activities to limit the spread.  Although...

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The Polarizing Power of Shaming

For the past month, my eyes have been dry and irritated with the constant to wipe my eyes.  Some moments have been worse than others, and knowing that your body constantly gives you signals to something that mentally or emotionally doesn’t feel right, made me delve...

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The Body Agenda

The one thing that this coronavirus experience has taught me is to really examine what is being told, what is being mandated, and the reasons for certain actions and/or non-actions to take.  Back in March, the Mayor and Governor mentioned that their intent was not to...

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Choose You, the Power of Choice

You are a product of your past experiences.  Don’t let your past dictate how you choose to live your life today.  Your ability to make choices is a power available to you at all times. Freedom of choice is not only an innate truth, but a power you possess that...

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Social Distancing. Really?

It’s amazing how the term that is so pervasive right now, and is determined as the method to prevent the spread of COVID-19, along with washing your hands thoroughly, and not touching your face. Saying the term, “social distancing,” feels so wrong, down deep, in my...

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FREE Zoom Mind Body Talks

Dr. Chad offers free Mind Body talks every other Friday evening from 6:30-7:15 PM HST via Zoom. Be a part of our Mind Body Community and learn techniques and strategies to deal with life challenges and stress. You will be a contributor and share what techniques you utilize with certain life situations and challenges.


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Dr. Chad Sato is a chiropractor, focusing on wellness, healing, energetic work and the mind-body connection. He offers care in-person on O'ahu and virtually for clients all over the world.

Call Me

(808) 988-5532

Visit Me

2930 E Manoa Rd
Honolulu, HI 96822

Office Hours: 8:15-5:30 M/W/F
Virtual consults by appointment.